Searching For True Love?

Hello there,chinedum here again and today we’ll be talking about El- Oh- V- Ee. LOVE….. yes Love,matter of fact true love……..Ok i guess you’re ready,sit tight as we journey through.
Most of us, like me have searched for true love,but the journey has seemed a tiring and endless one.Just as i was about to give up my search,then it dawned on me that true love was right by my side all this while with arms wide open,showering me with unfailing love everyday. I was blinded by my sin and lust,but now I see and am convinced without a doubt that true love is Jesus Christ.
•True love is John 3:16.For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son Christ dying for your sins past,present and future even the ones you’ll commit in 2016.

•True love is Christ hung up on the cross Calvary erasing every of your flaws and paying for your sins just like your salary

•True love is Christ buying you with the most invaluable price giving his life to you as a sacrifice placing in your hands the gift of a brand new life.

•True love is Christ enduring the pains of the whips and lashes on his back so that for every of your pain and setbacks he gives beauty for ashes.

•True love is Christ making the decision to dwell in the midst of his creation ,suffered pain and rejection but he still chose to be the object of crucifixion because of his immense love and affection so we can dwell with him in heaven in celebration.

True Love is Jesus Christ and can only be found in Him.All He asks in return is that you love Him back…….Agape

I love you,but you already know Jesus loves you more.
Stay FRESH and Repping Jesus.

Don’t forget to drop your comments below,i love to read them.